Our employees
Every single one counts
Our employees make an outstanding contribution every day, whether it’s in production, sales & purchasing, quality management, warehousing, IT support, marketing or administration. Here are a few key figures about the people behind the Gemüsering group (as of December 2022).
Total employees
Female employees
Male employees
Quality management
We have a long history of quality management and it is an integral part of our company. During a short interview, Karin Riesterer, head of the department, reveals the most important pillars of the quality management system and the tasks and challenges she faces every day.
Go to interview

From field to market
Procurement and sales
One of the most important tasks, in addition to production and quality management, is trading in goods. The traders act as links in wholesale and foreign trade: They coordinate the daily flow of goods from the producers to the retailers. They handle order taking, the planning of goods deliveries, and provide customer service. It’s a very exciting job.
Our producers and companies
For produce from our own facilities or grown by our production partners, product quality, freshness and product safety are very important to us. Just as important to us is trusting, sustainable and reliable collaboration with one another, with our customers and with our other partners.
Gemüsering Stuttgart GmbH
Langwiesenweg 30 (Großmarkt)
70327 Stuttgart
Tel. (+49) 711 / 16865 0
Fax (+49) 711 / 16865 99